Support the Farrells

Prayer Support

Prayer is our most incredible resource and greatest need. We would love to have you join our Prayer Team! If you choose to do so, you will receive up-to-date prayer prompters and ministry updates.


Financial Support

All Encounter Staff Members are responsible for raising financial support to cover living expenses. Practically speaking, we function as missionaries and trust God as we raise the funds needed for full-time ministry. Anyone who would like to give financial support can do so online via Encounter's online giving platform. 

The steps are simple:

  1. Follow the link below to Encounter’s online giving platform.

  2. Select either a “One-time” or “Recurring” donation.

    • For a Recurring donation, you will be instructed to input the “Frequency,” the “Start Date,” and, optionally, “How Many Gifts.”’

  3. Under “Fund” select “Give to a Staff Member- Office Headquarters.”

  4. Under “Staff Member Name?” type “The Farrell Family.”

  5. Enter the “Amount” of your donation.

  6. Enter a “Phone Number” for contact.

  7. Choose whether you would like to give via a “Credit/Debit Card” or “Bank Account.”

  8. Input your “Billing Information.”

  9. Click “Submit” to give your secure, online donation.