Another Life Update

Hey Friends & Family!

We hope this note finds you all well. We wanted to share a quick update on what we have been up to the last few weeks!

After celebrating the Christmas season with our Encounter Family in Mid-December, we were able to head home to be with our Rochester friends and family for Christmas. While there, we were able to meet with supporters, prepare for upcoming ministry, and enjoy time with family. Bailey had the opportunity to preach at First Bible on a Wednesday night, and I was able to attend a prayer meeting for… myself! At first, I was a little unsure as to what that would look like. “Won’t it be awkward to just sit there as people pray for me?” But it ended up being such a sweet time, and I’m so glad I went! A big thank you to Barb Kaiser for setting it up!

Back to Camp!

We headed back to our home base in Harrisburg on the 12th of January, and we are pleased to see how well the team did over break! Sometimes, winter break can be difficult in the area of spiritual growth, but we are encouraged to see that the team made the most of their time at home and grew in their relationship with Christ!

A few days after we arrived at camp, we headed up to Indian Lake, NY to meet with Bailey’s family for his great grandmothers funeral. Gram was an independent, strong, 91-year-old lady who lived by herself in the mountains of the Adirondacks. I’m so glad to have known her and that she had the opportunity to know her great-great-grandson: the one with the red hair! ❤️ She will be missed!

Unexpected Blessings

Before we hit the road, the team had the privilege to visit a few local churches for Sunday and mid-week services. After a month off, the first few times singing can be difficult, but the team did fantastic and we are grateful God continued to show up and show off.

Our first week of travel was canceled due to a COVID cancellation. While this change at first seemed like a missed opportunity, we quickly saw how God used this extra time together at camp to prepare us for all God had in store. Despite a last-minute snowstorm, we were able to depart for our first church of the Spring tour on January 29th. This started our 10 week stretch of revival meetings in Virginia, North Carolina, and West Virginia.

Our first week of travel went great! We were able to have Sunday services with the church as well as evenings services Monday- Wednesday. God moved in a big way in the hearts of the people, and we’re so thankful for the time we had with them.

This week the whole team is staying at a campground in Fincastle, VA., and throughout the week we will be joining evening church services, pastoral prayer meetings, work projects at our hosting camp, wild game potlucks, and community-wide evangelistic outreaches. The team is super excited about all God has in store for us!

Would You Pray with Us?

-Pray that COVID wouldn’t cause any other churches to cancel their meetings.

-Pray as we prepare, both spiritually and mentally, for the upcoming 9 weeks of travel/ministry.

-Pray that the team stays healthy and continues to grow spiritually.

-Pray that Reid transitions well into traveling again.

Thank You!

We do want to say how thankful we are for each and every one of you. Your prayers and support mean the world to us. We know we couldn’t do what we are doing without you!

How Can We Be Praying for You?

Please let us know by either emailing us ( or by direct messaging us on our Facebook page (! We would be privileged to pray for you or just to talk with you!

We love you all!


Where to start…


November Life Update