November Life Update

Hello All!

We wanted to update you all on some of the exciting things that happened during our Fall tour! Our team has had the blessing to be in churches in New York, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. 

Our first church was our home church in Rochester, NY, and the Lord moved greatly! During that week, we led daily chapels at the school, had the opportunity to lead two services at the church with the adults as well as the teens, held a large youth rally with the teenagers on Friday night, and also got to visit different ministries in the area (Compass Care, A Right Heart, His Ministries, ect.)

We saw so much fruit that week. Many responded at the Sunday and Wednesday services saying they wanted strongholds demolished in their lives. Over 100 students came forward at Northstar to say they wanted to follow Christ’ direction for their lives, 1 student prayed for salvation, and 4 students let us know they were not saved. At the Friday night youth rally,  25 students realized they were living in rebellion, and several told us of their need to accept Christ as their personal Savior. 

It was a fantastic week!

We then headed to Wildwood Chapel in Upper Sandusky, OH. By the end of the week many hands were being raised in regards to how God was ministering, convicting hearts and setting people free. One person let us know of their need for salvation.

We went to Athens, MI. We were able to invest and encourage in a church that has been through some difficulties in the past year as well as lead children’s chapels for their school. 

Logansport, Indiana proved to be a fantastic week! 1 young man had some good conversations with guys from our team about salvation. He then had a meeting with Mark and made a profession of faith! Another elderly women came forward and said she accepted Christ that week!

On two different occasion while in Virginia, we were able to hold outdoor concerts in the town where many sat and enjoyed and numerous others were ministered to as they walked by. A few of the people who attended the concert decided to also attend services at the church!

Another cool opportunity we had was simply putting into practice what the team was learning in their class time. Bailey was teaching on being a light. He asked how they could be a light right here/ right now at the park we were at. One said they could go talk to someone and just be friendly, so Bailey said, “ok, go do it!”. Another said they could text their friend whose going through a difficult time, so Bailey said, “ok, do it!”. Someone said they could go witness to someone. Bailey said, “ok, do it!” By the end, our entire team was scattered throughout the park being a blessing. As we were leaving, a man who saw what we were doing stopped us and asked if we would pray for him too! It was such a good learning experience for the team to see the importance of being DOERS of the Word, not hearers only. 

This just gives a glimpse into how much the Lord has been moving. Since the start of our travels to the end of this tour, we have seen about 25 people make professions of faith. Countless have responded to wanting to renew their walk with Christ. Many have let us know of their need for Christ. People have been encouraged and faith has been strengthened. 

We are so blessed to be a part of it. None of this would be possible without the financial and prayer support from you all! We are so thankful, and we don’t take it lightly. 

As for Reid, he is doing phenomenal! He loves all the attention he gets from the team and is always excited to be with them. It obviously is not always easy to travel with a one year old. He takes naps in new places all the time, he has grumpy days, he likes to get into everything, and he is extremely active. But I don’t know of many other kids who would handle it as well as he does! 

Now that we are more into a groove, we hope to be better with these updates! Thank you for your patience as we navigate this new chapter. 

We love you all! Thank you so much for reading!


Another Life Update


September Life Update