September Life Update

Wow. It’s been a month and a half already?! What a whirlwind it’s been!

The Encounter staff welcomed us as we arrived at our new home on August 10th. They helped us unload our U-Haul and moved everything into our new apartment. This was just a tiny picture of how kind and hospitable our new team is! Here is a small glimpse of the ways they have cared for us: 

  • They have made meals for us.

  • Sent us videos of encouragement.

  • Brought us medicine when feeling under the weather.

  • Had us over at their houses.

  • They’ve watched Reid.

  • Brought us out to dinner.

We are so appreciative that God placed us among people who are the hands and feet of Jesus and love us so well!

We were also blessed that my mom and sister Kate traveled with us to help us settle in. Kate is my own personal home decorator, and she turned our space into HOME. My mom was ready and willing to do whatever needed to be done, whether cleaning, watching the kids, painting, or taking us shopping. We are so appreciative of them both for the time and energy they put into helping us move.

We had a couple of days to settle in before the team arrived a week after us. Since then, it has been full steam ahead! Bailey has been busy. His days fill up with teaching, preparing schedules for our travel year, prepping teen’s and children’s chapels, putting together the teen ministry program, attending leadership meetings, and getting himself and the team ready before hitting the road! (to name some things.) 

Me? I’m busy being “mom.” It has been quite a transition for me as I’ve worked (and have loved working) since I was about 14 years old. Not having a formal “job” has been strange for me, but I also see the importance of my role now: Raising Reid! 

As for my part with the team, I love joining in on some team classes and enjoy talking, listening, and getting to know the team members. I also have responsibilities when it comes to organizing the host homes and will be helping Mark with some secretarial work as we travel. And a new thing for me— sharing a couple of team devotions with the girls (this was out of my comfort zone:)) God can use even what seems to be mundane for our good and His glory!

Reid has been growing every day, and on August 23rd we were able to celebrate his first birthday! The extended Farrell family came down for a visit to celebrate the big day, and the Tumia clan threw a big birthday bash when we were in town for Reid's doctors appointment. Reid is learning, growing, and healthy; and we cannot say thank you enough for all the birthday wishes that were sent his way!

The team is busy preparing for their many ministry responsibilities on the road. We are about ready to go!

Here are just a few of the things we’ve seen God do since getting here:

  • The team has only been together for a few weeks, and we can already see such unity. This can be hard with so many unique personalities. But we’re so thankful for that!

  • Through the investment of daily classes, we have seen spiritual growth in the team and a hunger for the things of God.

  • At least two people have come to salvation in just the two local church ministries we have been a part of so far. We even had a team member realize that he was lost. He received Christ as Savior, and the entire team could celebrate with him.

  • The team had the opportunity to invest in several school groups who came to visit Mt. Lou San for school retreats. God used these days to cause two students to surrender their lives to Christ.

  • Just this week, the team assisted a local church with their Wednesday evening service. The team loved the opportunity to pour into kids of all ages!

Tonight, the team will hold their first Community Concert of the semester. This will be their first time singing to a large group, but we are certain their hard work in rehearsals will result in an evening of beautiful worship and praise to God!

In a little less than 2 weeks, we hit the road. Our first stop is one of our favorite places in the world: First Bible Baptist Church in Rochester, NY! We are so excited to be home with our family and church family. Would you pray for that week, especially as we have four team members who can significantly influence the students at FBBC and NorthStar Christian Academy!

As it relates to finances, we are overwhelmed with how God has provided for us through gifts from friends, family, and even strangers! After only 3 months of support raising, we are overjoyed to announce that through monthly, yearly, and weekly recurring supporters we are now sitting at $1,900 a month in recurring support! That’s over 50% of our goal of $3,500 a month! I cannot begin to say thank you enough to all who have joined our recurring financial support team! In addition to the recurring support, many people gave one time gifts that have made it possible for us to make this transition to ERM. I want to personally say thank you for your investment as well! These one-time gifts will make it possible for us to jump right into ministry while we continue to work towards our monthly support goal. You all have been such a blessing to us, and we cannot say thank you enough!

With that said, we would love to know if there are any ways we can be praying for you! Do you have a request we can take to God together? Please let us know!

We appreciate and love you all! Thank you for taking the time to read :)


November Life Update


A Life Update