A Life Update


Hey Family and Friends!

Alyssa, Reid, and I are thrilled to share about an exciting development in our lives! Before we go into the details of this opportunity, let us share a quick story.

The blessing that both Alyssa and I had to grow up in wonderful Christian homes is immeasurable. We learned the truth of God's Word and saw the Gospel lived out daily. We cannot thank God enough for providing us with this upbringing, along with the influence of our church family. If we could mention a third key influence on our lives, it would be Encounter Revival Ministries. Both Alyssa and I spent time on the team after we graduated from High School. Through our time with Encounter, we studied Scripture and had tangible opportunities to serve and glorify God. All our time there is vital in developing who we are today. We cannot thank Ardy, Jimmy, and the rest of the ministry enough for their investment in our lives.


Now Back to the Life Update!

We are excited to announce that we will be joining the staff at Encounter Revival Ministries! This decision comes after much prayer, discussions, and contemplation. We will deeply miss our family in Rochester, but we are looking forward to all that God has in store for us.

The mission of Encounter is to share the truths of God's Word for salvation and spiritual maturity through:

  • •Equipping young adults with the necessary tools for spiritual growth personally and maximum impact globally.

    •Engaging children, teens, and adults with the message of salvation and spiritual growth.

    •Empowering nationals to impact their communities with the life-changing truths of Scripture.


Our Role with Encounter

Our role will be that of the Team Director. We will serve under Mark and Valerie Hopkins, who oversee Encounter's local church ministries and discipleship programs. As we disciple the students on Encounter's One-year Ministry Team, our goal is to encourage them to use their gifts in daily, tangible ministry opportunities. We will travel with the team, help with the many ministry needs, and share the life-changing truths of God's Word with families, churches, and communities around the country. I recently spoke with Mark, and we have almost every week full for the 2021-2022 travel year!

We will continue to invest in the team members during the summer months while we serve together at Mt. Lou San Bible Camp. Mt. Lou San has been an essential part of our spiritual development, and we are excited to play a role within this fantastic ministry.


Want to Learn More?

If you are interested in learning more about our family, Encounter, or Mt. Lou San, you can find more info at our website. There you can read our blog, join our Prayer Support Team, and access our different social media pages. These three ways will be the primary means to stay up-to-date with our family.


Financial Support

All Encounter Staff Members are responsible for raising their support to cover living expenses. Practically speaking, we function as missionaries and trust God as we raise the financial support needed for full-time ministry. After speaking with Encounter leadership, we have put together a support goal of $3,500 a month.

Anyone who would like to give regular or one-time financial support can do so online via Encounter's online giving platform. The steps are simple:

  1. Follow the link below to Encounter’s online giving platform.

  2. Select either a “One-time” or “Recurring” donation.

    • For a Recurring donation, you will be instructed to input the “Frequency,” the “Start Date,” and, optionally, “How Many Gifts.”’

  3. Under “Fund” select “Give to a Staff Member- Office Headquarters.”

  4. Under “Staff Member Name?” type “The Farrell Family.”

  5. Enter the “Amount” of your donation.

  6. Enter a “Phone Number” for contact.

  7. Choose whether you would like to give via a “Credit/Debit Card” or “Bank Account.”

  8. Input your “Billing Information.”

  9. Click “Submit” to give your secure, online donation.


Want Coffee?

One more thing! Alyssa, Reid, and I will be moving to Harrisburg at the end of July, but before we go, we would love to meet up, drink coffee, and share about all God is doing. If you're interested, send us an email at farrellfamilycontact@gmail.com or text me (585) 794-8631, and we will put something on the schedule!

Thank you for taking the time to read about this next chapter of our story!  We look forward to sharing more as we continue our journey to love God and glorify him in all things!

Bailey, Alyssa & Reid


September Life Update


A Letter from the Director